
Tasty and

Brazilian eggs are present on the table of consumers from more than 50 countries.


Strict watchfulness regarding animal health issues, high-quality standards, and certifications, as well as reliable food safety practices, are present on the egg chain and assure total safety for Brazilian Egg consumers.

Brazil is among the ten largest egg producers in the world, exporting to more than 50 countries.

In 2020, Brazilian egg production reached 53 billion units. Of this total, about 1% is destined for exports and 99% remains on the domestic market. The exports generated US$ 10 million in foreign exchange revenue in the same period.

Avian Influenza

For now, not a single case of avian flu has been detected in Brazil. Nevertheless, the Brazilian government has been prepared for a possible pandemic since 2003 to speed up the implementation of preventive measures and disease control.

Since 2006, the National Plan for Prevention of Avian Influenza and Control and Prevention of Newcastle Disease modernized laboratories created hygienic barriers and provided technical and educational training.


To Preserve
The Amazon Rainforest

The Brazilian agricultural growth has been driven by productivity, not mobility or deforestation. Without threatening the Amazon rainforest, Brazil has plenty of lands available for expansion. There are today about 30 million hectares of available pastures ready to be improved with modern agriculture practices. Furthermore, of the 850 million hectares of Brazil, 510 million are under Brazilian authorities’ protection, preventing damage to the Amazon ecosystem.



Perfect climate: Brazil has the perfect weather for many agricultural products.


Brazil has plenty of lands available to support the growth of the poultry sector without destroying the Amazon rainforest or any other natural reserve.


Large availability of inputs, such as corn and soybeans.


Cost competitiveness.


Adaptability to the world demand.


Brazil stands as one of the world’s largest producers.

To Implement Environmental
Good Practices

With the frequent monitoring of all stages of the industrial process, it is possible to constantly improve plant operations, resulting in an adequate control and reduction of waste and effluent volumes resulting from production processes.
 Producers are in constant search of new technologies to reduce the environmental impact, and today they already produce energy and fertilizers from organic residues from production. All environmental legislation in Brazil is followed, one of the most complete and restrictive in the world.

Federal Inspections

All animal origin products must have a seal from the federal inspection service. The seal proves that the production companies and their products work under strict sanitary inspection and fulfill all requirements and standards of the importer countries.

Strict Biosecurity

Brazilian Egg producers have adopted biosecurity measures that comprehend producers’ rules related to the aviaries location, criteria and restriction of access to them, old day chicks purchase, sanitary handling during the production period, daily cleaning, and hygiene after the removal of chickens. All exporters implemented the risk analysis of the different production steps, including preventive programs. Statistical process control has been extended to all units and traceability programs from “farm to table”.

Food Safety

The Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP) is required to egg export companies, even though it was created to be voluntary. This program aims at eliminating all the risks inside the production process. It assures high-quality and safe products and is widely accepted internationally.