
The Brazil

- Name

Federative Republic of Brazil

- Capital


- Administrative Divisions

26 states and one Federal District

- Form of Government


- Legislature

National Congress (Senate and Chamber of Deputies)

- Constitution

October 5th, 1988

- Language


- Anthem

National Anthem of Brazil


- Location

América do Sul

- Climate

Tropical in the majority of the territory, but temperate in the south

- Borders

16,885 km (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guyana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela)

- Area

8.5 million km² (5th largest)


- Population

210.147.125 (IBGE 2019)

- Population Growth Rate

0,79% (IBGE 2019)


- Currency

Real (R$)

- GDP in 2019

R$ 7.3 trillion (IBGE)

- Exports in 2019

US$ 225.38 billion (MDIC)

- Imports in 2019

US$ 177.34 billion (MDIC)

- Balance of Trade in 2019

Surplus of US$ 48.03 billions (MDIC)